Sunday, February 26, 2023

America Girl Doll Nicki and Isabel are coming home!


I've been excited about the new 90's twins ever since I heard the rumor, how ever long ago it was at this point. I had thought - like many of the other AG collectors that they would have been the early 90's. That was such an exciting thought! And when I found out they were 1999/Y2K dolls, I was briefly disappointed. But, it was only for a brief moment. I honestly think it was a better call to go for the end of the decade than any earlier. The dolls themselves I thought were cute, but I was offput in the beginning by the so called "angry eyebrows" and those dreadful painted on eye lashes AG is now doing on all of the newly released dolls. Eventually though, the dolls, "angry brows" and all, grew on me. Like, really, really grew on me! I spent some nights looking at reviews of people who got the dolls. The painted on eyebrows didn't actually look that bad on them!

I've been doing yet another massive collection overhaul these last few weeks. Maybe its only been 2 weeks. I have no idea. But when I say massive collection overhaul, I really mean massive collection overhaul. I won't go into it all in detail right now, but suffice it to say that I now have quite a bit less of my overall possessions. It feels good. 

With my AG dolls, I had had it whittled down to 18 dolls for a little while, so AG wise, my collection didn't change all that much. I did bump off 4 dolls, intending to keep my number at 14. I was very pleased with the extra room on my AG shelf, where I could space my dolls further apart and I still had some room leftover over. That just wasn't meant to be. 

Friday night, around 11:30 or, I placed my order for both of the twins. :D It wasn't an impulse buy. I thought long and hard on it. And I figured, why not? I have the space. The money from things I will be selling will more than pay myself back. The dolls just came so vividly to life that not having them would have been sad. I have them renamed and their personalities, styles, etc. are all mapped out. I cannot wait for them to get here!

Hopefully AG will get my order out tomorrow. I might not have them for a week plus since I didn't want to pay $20 more dollars to speed up the shipping. I can be patient and wait for them though. They will be so very worth the wait!

And while I am waiting, I can plan more. I've already spent time looking at late 90's fashions. I'll be setting up a pinterest board for inspo pics for each dolls. Sydney (formerly known as Nicki) and Amber (formerly known as Isabel) will have styles like their cannon dolls. Alt/skater for Sydney and preppy for Amber. Already I know I have to make cargo pants and those wide leg skater pants for Sydney. Amber is a little less developed fashion wise, but I will have a lot of fun planning out extra clothing for her too. 

While I normally would have been worried that a later historical (1999 is historical, lol) period wouldn't quite stick with me, I have no worries with these. I thought I would have jumped at the 80's collection and gave it the best effort I could, but it just didn't stick. I had a doll put into that period a few weeks ago, and I just could not attach to it. The latest I have (or had, hee hee) is the 50's. But these dolls hold so much nostalgia for me that I know I will absolutely love them. And will have a hell of a lot of fun with them! 

Now, I am off to pinterest!

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