Showing posts with label rainbow high dolls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow high dolls. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sorting the Rainbow Highs - where are the missing ones??

Desperately needing a break from the Critter sorting, I was determined that today would be the day that I would find the Rainbow High clothes and accessories. I knew they were out in the storage building *in some box.* That's all I knew. Last time I was in the building, it wasn't all too happy and threw 2 stacks of boxes on me. The building must have been in a better mood today as I only had a little crashing today. :) It turned out to be most profitable. Not only did I find the RH stuff, I also found my missing G3 ponies!! But there was one small tragedy. Somehow one of the RH Poppy Cheer dolls - this one happened to be my absolute favorite - had gotten separated from all the others. I had kept her out while I was working on a little sewing the last few days before I moved and unfortunately for her, she had then been put into a box of random debris. And then that box of random debris - which included screws that had spilled out of their box -  had a heavier smaller box put on top of that box's contents. As I was stacking the boxes I intended to haul inside onto the ground out of the building, I just happened to glance down see a pair of RH legs sticking out of that debris box. With a sinking feeling I pulled the doll out. She had been face down on screws and those screws had left serious indentions in her face. And her head was squashed! I was pretty upset. Even if my intention was to sell off these dolls, I in no way want them messed up or soiled.

I just left poor Poppy outside in a different box while I went inside and began sorting through the RH clothes and accessories. I unfortunately still have no idea where the stands are. I only have 2 stands ATM, and I know I had stands for everyone. I had wanted to sell the dolls as complete as possible, though it's actually okay to not include stands. And here we find the next tragedy of the day. Dolls have gone missing. Before we moved I had stuck 4 dolls into a container. I cannot find it. I couldn't find it before we moved, and I still cannot find it. I am hoping it shows up, but at this point, it's a total mystery as to where it could have gone! And now, to add to that, we have dolls missing that were recently accounted for. They had been moved into the To Go stack. Now, where are they? Did they mistakenly get put by the side of the road and picked up with the Critter houses? Or did they get mixed up with trash? I really don't know. I am hoping that they show up, but at this point, once again, it's a total mystery. That's about 16 or so dolls - maybe more - just gone. I've been a little sick over it, but what can you do? There's always stuff that disappears in moves. The good thing here is that I wasn't going to keep them any way.

Even with the missing dolls, I had a LOT of stuff to sort through. The pic here looked far better on my phone - it really doesn't show the extent of the pile whatsoever. The dolls had all been separated from their clothing and shoes, and while it wasn't in the state of the Critter stuff, nothing was put together. So I spent quite a few hours sorting the original outfits and their extra outfits that go with each doll, dressing each doll and sealing her and her extra outfit in a gallon storage bag. The extra clothing that no longer has a doll to wear it all has been sorted and bagged up as well. It was honestly a blast. The smell of RH dolls is scrumptious and sitting there surrounded by piles of dolls was fun, even if towards the end it was feeling extremely tedious. 

I have to confess that I did end up keeping some of the dolls. Ha ha, it's what happened the last time that I went through the dolls to sell them. I kept 4 Violets - 2 Cheer, 1 Series 1 and the Jr.; Series 1 Ruby and Jr. Ruby; 2 Cheer Jade and Jr. Jade; Cheryl; Daphne; Margot; Series 1 Poppy, Jr. Poppy and Cheer Poppy. I, of course, had to keep her especially after I maimed her. :'( I got all of them dressed in their original clothing even if I do redress them in my own clothes when I can finally think about sewing doll clothes again. I am so tired of clothesless dolls, there are truly no words.

And now we come to some excellent news! Cheer Poppy ended up having a miraculous recovery. I brought her in to re-inspect the damage and amazingly enough, the smashed head and deep indentions were gone!!! She still has a couple of very light indentions and scrapes, but I'll take it. I'm so relieved that she is okay. I really wish that I had taken a picture of her before she somehow fixed herself - it was truly a sight, I tell you.  I guess being out from under all that weight she just naturally recovered her previous shape. Who'd have thought?

Now I just have to figure out where in the bloody blue blazes I am going to store these dolls. That's one reason I was so encouraged to part ways with them. At least the numbers have been dramatically reduced, so there's that. I'll figure something out! 

Garden Prep 2024 - the plans and some things done

 I've been very excited to get to gardening time. I learned a LOT last year - one of which was the differences between determinate and i...