Monday, June 10, 2024

Dolly Updates - the new, the old....

 A lot has been going on in this last month! I don't believe I blogged about this when it went down, but since I am doing a general catch up, I might as well include what's been going on with my doll collection this last Spring.

I had decided awhile ago to just abandon the Blythe and Pullip hobby - I hadn't been enjoying it and was really just wanting to never see the dolls again. When I sold them all on eBay, I was fortunate enough as the fates smiled broadly upon me to secure the pre-order on DDE for Fairyland Pukipuki and a RealPuki doll, which I put on a 4 month layaway. I found a Pukifee on eBay, and my sales here were able to pay for or to help pay these all off. (My pre-order just arrived today! I'll post about the in another post.) Add 2 more Realpukis to this list of new dolls adopted, and a Real Fee pre-order. Along with the Pullip and Blythe sales, I also sold 2 BJDs which have been much needed help in paying off these layaways as well. 

I was able to get a few barbie to add to my collection after finding some good deals on eBay. I'm completely out of space for any more Barbies, so these that I have gotten this year are no doubt my last! I don't mind that. Honestly, buying might be fun, but I'd rather just have the ones that I have and just have fun naming, spoiling and plotting out stories with what I have. That's more how I collect than to gather up by series and simply display them.

I pruned out the Living Dead Dolls that really didn't fit in and have kept my collection to what actually fits comfortably on my 2 narrow shelves that I have for them. Would I want more Deadies in the future? Sure, but I am content with what I have. My dolls are from the earlier series, which have always been my favorites. I have gathered up many of the old friends that I had back in the day, and I am satisfied. 

I have cut down my Build a Bears by over half. I knew that I had more than I needed (need and want in doll collecting can be a tricky line to define...) and I was able to very easily weed out the ones I loved from the ones that I LOVED and now I am much happier with my collection. BABs are all cute. I just don't need them all! And doing some reshuffling I was able to bring more of them into my bedroom and out of the hallway which allowed....

The hallway shelves to be re-ordered. One of the feline residents used to love jumping up on the shelves that stretched the entire length of the hallway where the BABs were displayed, knocking them down willy nilly. I even made a nursery rhyme like diddy to sing every time he did it. Now, since the BABs have been cut down so nicely, there are less shelves needed there. I spent a rainy afternoon carefully re-adjusting the shelves, putting up the shelves for the MLP on one side of the hallway, leaving the other half to the BABs. And being that there are so few shelves now in comparison, the hallway feels blessedly empty in comparison.

The MLPs are a WIP. I've pruned out some of the G1s and then list what I am no longer keeping. I still need to put up one more shelf. Though truthfully, I am hoping to not have to do it, if I just happen to clean out enough ponies to fit on the 3 shelves I did put up. We will see. Ponies are a serious weakness. More so than dolls. But I have to say, putting shelving up in the hallway is just not a very fun activity. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say that it took me nearly 2 hours to put up 5 simple shelves, each with 2 brackets.

Since I don't have many MH, I was able to secure a spot for them in the hallway, right above the pony shelves. Here, I am able to display the playset pieces that I wasn't able to really find a spot for in the sewing/doll room. I am delighted to have them there! 

The latest doll rearranging has come in the form of my AG dolls. I had cut them down to 9 strong, with a Wang doll animal friend each. We brought the ones that no one wanted in from the storage building yesterday in order to finalize who was definitely going so we could start prepping them for listing. Well, luck of lucks, they've all been kept and now there are no more to sell!

When I got to looking at the "for sale" dolls I was like "WHY is this doll in the get rid of stuff??" So now I have re-added about 17 *gulp* dolls back into the herd. This is definitely not an easy task to absorb them back with my other dolls while also making them actually fit without looking too crowded. I seriously had my doubts that I would make it work, but miraculously, I found a place for every single doll. 

I had to move a lot around. My crochet dolls now have a new spot, which I am not 100% sold on, but it works. My vintage teddy bear went up on the shelf that used to hold my composition dolls. I am only keeping one of those, my favorite. She is standing next to him, with a place for 2 of my AG dolls next to her., The shelf that used to hold my crochet dolls now holds 4 AG dolls and some Wang animal dolls. 

I moved 3 more Wang animal dolls and my 2 Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls that I am keeping with my 6 hard plastic vintage dolls. It's more crowded than I prefer, but at least it fits.

I don't have much AG furniture - a point in which I have been rather bummed about but grateful for in the sense of not really having a good space to put it. I moved some of the very little amount of furniture that I do have over to my BJD shelf where there was a vacancy. Then I stood all of my dolls up with one sitting in front of them. I did move a few animal dolls over with them and kept my Felicity table with the top up and her nightstand with a few accessories on that shelf. I just sat Felicity in front of the nightstand and will stand her animal dolls next to her where I can. Again, not ideal, but it works.

All in all, it's coming together. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to actually get any much needed sewing work done today as the sewing room was like a bomb went off, what with things being in a complete state of disorder. I spent the afternoon moving things around until it's usable and much more pleasant in there. I will pick at it some more this evening. At least I can get back to work in there tomorrow. 

This has been a long rambling post, but it feels good mentally to write this all out. I've gone through a lot of changes and shifts. And who knows how many more changes will come about as the year unfolds. As I get my AG dolls fixed up with new wigs for those that need it and restyling of hair for others, I'll post more about them. 

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Success! Curling my AG doll's hair - quick tutorial

 I've watched quite a few tutorials on Youtube on exactly how you go about curling dolls' hair. Not just AG, but also Barbie and oth...